August 2024

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Résidence et projet de création in situ du 19 août au 8 septembre avec Flat Foot Company et Jomba Festival à Durban, Afrique du Sud

Extra Time

Les 17 et 18 août au festival de Chassepierre en Belgique


Le 3 août au festival Le petit phénomène à Camplong (34)

all our shows

"Our choreographies are the result of immersive research in spaces explored by the body and the relationship to the other, in cities and countries where the company performs, works, encounters. There lies the birth of movement and writing, later placed into resonance in singular and unique spaces - populated and open to a thousand events, a public square and its crowd, an alley or a vacant lot, a far-reaching beach when the tides are suspended, or indoors, for art spaces, museums, or galleries.

A nomadic use of places as an ephemeral and gentle borrowing, rather than an appropriation, a use which never excludes the other: we place the dancer on the same level as ”anybody”, they are a ”mister nobody”, but whose language is dance.
Dance is our language."

Anne Le Batard et Jean-Antoine Bigot

The company Ex Nihilo was founded in 1994 with the intention of taking dance out of the rehearsal studio and the stage: to “push down the walls” to meet the public, to make the public space a privileged place for research and creation, to link the public space and the places of art by putting back into play and renewing the forms for the stage and the singular spaces.

