July 2024

Un sentier en Normandie#5

Les 27 et 28 juillet à Saint-Etienne-sous-Bailleul (27)


Le 28 juillet au Parc de Choisy à Paris (13ème)


Le 29 aux Arênes de Lutèce à Paris


Le 29 juillet aux arênes de Lutèce à Paris (5ème)


Le 30 juillet, Place Saint-Sulpice à Paris (6ème)

all our shows

Apparemment ce qui ne se voit pas

Piece for 4 dancers | indoor | 50 minutes

Apparemment ce qui ne se voit pas is a long process of creation/accumulation that links image and dance, which was carried out between 2009 and 2014. Each shoot is born out of a particular context, in the midst of another project, by chance of random encounters or upon a particular invitation: a solo, a sequence shot, entering or leaving the viewing field. Tunis, Copenhagen, Seoul, Marseille, Alexandria… Just as much improvisation for the dance as for the camera. No request for authorization. No rehearsals. Just one take, one chance.

Several forms were born from this process as Détail#3 and Le nom du lieu

Détail #3 is a performance that takes place indoors. Dance, sound, and images share the stage: the solos have been rewritten for indoors and seek an encounter; the filmed images are projected directly onto the walls; the dancers can show their own image in one of the cities, or that of another dancer, or perhaps they can even dance with the images. The sounds, soundscapes, and music are used in a synchronous, asynchronous, or mobile way, diffused from portable amplifiers, handled by the dancers. The spectators are placed in the centre, the dancers, and images outside the circle, on the walls: it is a panorama, in the literal sense of the word.

Dancers Anne Le Batard, Jean-Antoine Bigot, Corinne Pontana, Rolando Rocha

Photographs, sound Martine Derain, Ex Nihilo

Soundtrack A. Le Batard and J.-A. Bigot

Lighting Jean-Philippe Pellieux

Costumes Julia Didier

Production Ex Nihilo, creation 2012

Coproduction Ballet National de Marseille / Copenhagen International Theatre/Metropolis Festival (Denmark) / Les Ateliers Frappaz/Centre métropolitain des arts urbains – Villeurbanne / CDC du Val-de-Marne / Tridanse (associating Le 3bisF, Le Citron Jaune and le Vélo Théâtre) / 2 Angles relais culturel régional / Institut français de coopération/Ambassade de France en Tunisie / Fondation Beaumarchais/SACD / Centre National de la Danse et KLAP Maison pour la danse à Marseille

Partners La Source du Lion, CasaMémoire, association Commune and AR2D-Meryem Jazouli in Casablanca / Musaq and Dar Ben Abdallah Theater in Tunis / D-Caf Festival in Cairo
