July 2024

Un sentier en Normandie#5

Les 27 et 28 juillet à Saint-Etienne-sous-Bailleul (27)


Le 28 juillet au Parc de Choisy à Paris (13ème)


Le 29 aux Arênes de Lutèce à Paris


Le 29 juillet aux arênes de Lutèce à Paris (5ème)


Le 30 juillet, Place Saint-Sulpice à Paris (6ème)

all our shows

Ex Nihilo company

The company Ex Nihilo was founded in 1994 with the intention of taking dance out of the rehearsal studio and the stage: to “push down the walls” to meet the public, to make the public space a privileged place for research and creation, to link the public space and the places of art by putting back into play and renewing the forms for the stage and the singular spaces.

Working outdoors means exploring the space through the bodies, an exploration that is renewed with each space, and it is also the experience of a relationship with the “viewer”, a passer-by or inhabitant, out of frame, without being called. This is where our movement and its writing are born. And when we perform at festivals or go indoors, the atmosphere is charged with the long-standing attendance of these venues and with the movement of others. We are also strengthened by a dance that is by necessity reactive and physical: the notion of the group, the power of the group, is the heart of our dance.

Ex Nihilo tours in France and abroad and shares its work by offering workshops, trainings, courses, and educational activities in schools. Since 2017, the company has been based at the Cité des arts de la rue in Marseille and continues to create works in the region in a permanent link with its international partners, while hosting other artists and companies.



Short bibliography

• Danser la rue, Betty Lefèvre, Pascal Roland, Magali Sizorn. Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2019
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• SHAPERS, fabricants de gestes et d’impulsions. Texts by Maria Gonzalez, Meryem Jazouli, Alix de Morant, Anne Rossignol, Anne Le Batard, éditions commune, Marseille, 2018.
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• Inferno, interview with the choreographers for Les Hivernales, Scène Nationale de la Garance, 2018.
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• Chroniques Alexandrie, Aix, Marseille. Collective work. Transversalité/ E.S. d’Art, Aix-en-Provence, 2017.


• Apparemment ce qui ne se voit pas, éditions commune, Marseille, 2014. Texts by Anne le Batard and Jean-Antoine Bigot, Claudine Dussollier, Michel Kelemenis, Alexis Pelletier, Laurence Rebouillon, Emmanuel Sérafini, Jean-Sébastien Steil.

Extérieur danse : essai sur la danse dans l’espace public, Sylvie Clidière, Alix de Morant, Montpellier : L’Entretemps, Paris : Hors les murs, 2009 (Carnets de rue).