July 2024

Un sentier en Normandie#5

Les 27 et 28 juillet à Saint-Etienne-sous-Bailleul (27)


Le 28 juillet au Parc de Choisy à Paris (13ème)


Le 29 aux Arênes de Lutèce à Paris


Le 29 juillet aux arênes de Lutèce à Paris (5ème)


Le 30 juillet, Place Saint-Sulpice à Paris (6ème)

all our shows

Nal Boa (regarde-moi)

Piece for 7 dancers and 2 musicians | outdoor | 50 minutes

Nal Boa is the result of a cooperation between Korea and France during 2010. The composition of our international and Korean team and the move of the rehearsals to Korea imposed a shared reflection on the position of the “foreigner”, on what we think we see and understand. Nal Boa puts into the scene the crossed glances, the standpoints, the individual words in front of the other, thus pursuing our interrogations on the individual in the group where the “I” and the “we” are in permanent interaction-reaction, in the agreement or in conflict… The show takes place along a wall. Back against the wall. Pushed to the wall. Not being able to move forward, jumping over, throwing oneself against, in despair, facing up.

Choreography Anne Le Batard and Jean-Antoine Bigot

Cast J.-A. Bigot, Soo-Bin Kang, Jae-Young Park, Corinne Pontana, Rolando Rocha, Ji In Gook, Han-Sol Yu

Costumes Julia Didier and Ja Young Chang

Live music Pascal Ferrari and Rui Owada

Production Ex Nihilo, creation 2010

Co-direction Project Wae (South Korea).

Coproduction Gwacheon Hanmadang Festival; Le Parapluie-Centre international de création artistique à Aurillac; Atelier 231-Centre National des Arts de la Rue à Sotteville-les-Rouen.

Partners Goyang Cultural Foundation; Seoul Arts Foundation; Seoul Artspace Mullae; Centre Culturel Français de Séoul; Extrapole.

With the support of SACD/Auteurs d’espace public, Adami/copie privée, Spedidam and Institut Français/Ville de Marseille.
